Thursday, September 24, 2009

Meet Red and Fred

These are Sparky's new neon fish. Ever since Sparky learned to walk he has walked on his toes whenever possible. This was fine when he was a toddler, but at the ripe old age of 9 it is time for this habit to come to an end. So, I did what any good parent would do, I bribed him. I told Sparky that if he could walk on his flat feet for 1 week then I would buy him a fish. He managed to make it through a week (with a few reminders) and so last night he got his fish. They will live in his room and he will be responsible for them (because I don't clean fish tanks). Now he just has to keep walking on his feet or Red and Fred are going to find themselves living in the basement.


Emilia said...

We are here to fish sit whenever you need us!

Dehner Family said...

Bribery always works at our house. I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.