Monday, February 1, 2010

Thank You Notes

Dear KK,
I would like to thank you for waiting until this morning to throw up. I greatly appreciate not having my night interrupted and am a much happier mom because of it. I will happily do anything I can for you today.



Dear Sparky,
I would like to thank you for your ever-increasing surly attitude these days. I look forward to the real teenage years. I can only hope they bring more of the same.



Dear Tiger,
I would like to thank you for your increasing clingyness and for the need that you feel for me to do absolutely everything for you. I would also like to thank you for waking up at the crack of dawn all weekend thereby causing me to be unbelievably cranky and tired all weekend long. Finally, I would like to thank you for then sleeping in today when I had to wake up so very early to get the kids off to school. You're a peach.



Trish said...

I'm so sorry that KK got sick. It must be going around! I hope she is better!

Dehner Family said...

Poor KK. I hope it wasn't some nasty thing she picked up at the bowling alley. It was so clean, I just can't image she would have caught it there... It must have been church.

Kurt & Shawn said...

You kill me!!! Love those little pills and of course, you!

Valerie said...

My thoughts exactly! Ah, the joys of motherhood...

Buffy said...

That's hilarious! I think many of my children deserve thank you's lately....what a cute post!