Monday, July 5, 2010

Awesome parenting moment

Sparky: You mean these fireworks we are lighting are illegal?!
Me: Uh. . . Yeah.
Sparky: You mean that if a policeman drove by we could get into trouble?!
Me: Uh. . . Yeah.
Sparky: Well then, why are we doing it?
Me: Because they're fun and really cool.
Sparky: I just don't feel right about this. When I grow up I'm never going to set off illegal fireworks!
Me: Ok, we'll see if you still feel the same way when you are 16.


Debbie said...

He wont!

Carolyn said...

I still feel that way and I'm much older than 16. As I type this, I am hiding in my house while the neighborhood gathers outside to light off their collective stash of illegal fireworks. (But I don't even like lighting birthday candles, so Debbie is probably right.)

Dehner Family said...

That's hilarious. Tell Dillon every party needs a pooper that why you invited him... Party pooper!!

rachel said...

Yeah, I had fun explaining to my children why we were eating out on a Sunday on our trip. Uh... well, we don't have any food. "But mom.... it is SUNDAY!"