Monday, September 20, 2010

A public apology from a well fed neighbor

I have never been a fan of the neighbors across the street from me.  Actually, I am not a fan of most of my neighbors, but today I am focusing on the one's directly across the street.  They are currently renting the house and they have a brother that lives with them that has caused us mucho frustration-o.  The only reason that we have not complained or taken action as we could is because the family that lives there is really quite nice.  They have never caused any problems, they just happen to have a loser brother/uncle/man living with them.  Well yesterday they came over and invited us to their young son's birthday party.  Very nice.  Sparky was sick and I had a headache and so Doug took the other two kids over to say hi and to be nice.  Then they were gone for an hour and a half!  I quickly forgave Doug, however, after I saw the loaded plate of deliciousness that the family insisted he bring back for me.  Man can that man across the street cook!  The chicken, the steak, the rice, the beans, the tres leches cake!  Mmmmmm.  So now I feel horrible about all of the horrible thoughts that I have had for that house across the street.  From here on out I will just think of the generosity of this family and try to overlook the ill-timed fiestas that the brother chooses to have in his van while he sits in the driveway right across the street from me.


Kurt & Shawn said...

I would still keep an eye on the brother as I'm sure you will!!

Dehner Family said...

Another reason to move by me :) Food is the way to my heart also. I think I am the man in our house because Mike really doesn't care much about food.
BTW- Kelsey looks adorable with all those missing teeth!!
Hope you're feeling better!

Debbie said...

I thought this was the taunt with the fiesta and all......I see the real taunt below. I think their other brother lives by me!