Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Joy of Love: Day 9

Passions and Hobbies

Today the one I love is myself because the little love I was trying to photograph wasn't working with me.  Perhaps tomorrow he will work with me.  In the meantime, back to me.  Frankly, I have too many hobbies and it was really, really hard to decide which one to photograph.  Here is just one of them.  I love to read.  I go through spurts where I read all the time and the children get ignored and nothing gets done and then spurts where I don't pick up a book for months and months.  After a bit of a reading famine, reading has been this winter's coping mechanism for myself.  There is nothing better than getting completely lost in what I am reading.  As I tell my kids, it's like a movie in my head. 

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