Thursday, May 19, 2011


I started my day off by accidentally taking a sleeping pill.  Technically it was melatonin, but for me it is the same thing.  How did I do this you ask?  Well, I was half asleep and apparently I forgot that I was just getting up and instead thought that I was getting ready for bed.  It's been a long day.

My poor honey love came down with some flu type thing today.  He is sad and I feel bad for him.  I don't like it when my big, strong man is sick.

I got to have lunch with my Dad today.  That is always nice.

I spent a good hour and a half in the pouring down rain and mud watching my sweet 10 year old boy fight for his team's honor on the soccer field.  They lost, but they gave the other team a run for their money.  He looked like a poor drowned cat when the game was over.

My head is now pounding, especially above my left eyebrow.  It's time for bed.