Sunday, August 7, 2011

Summer of Fun continues- The State Fair

My kids have had an incredibly fun summer (at least in my opinion).  I feel like it has been non-stop fun and this past week has been no exception.  We haven't been to the fair since Sparky was a wee little spark and so we decided to not only go to the fair, but to do it up right.  My mom and brother-in-law Chad were kind enough to accompany us as well.  Fortunately the fair did not disappoint.  We saw horses, and sheep, and of course, chickens.
As you all know, my little man loves chickens.  Not only did he get to see chickens galore, but he was able to pet a couple in the poultry house.  He was one happy little man.

What would a trip to the fair be without the consumption of copious amounts of fried food?  Sadly my love was not able to accompany us on this day and so I sacrificed by eating a corn dog for him.
Giant slide
 This was my baby boy's very first ride and being the thrill seeker that he is, he chose the "roller coaster".
 KK and Grandma on the double Ferris Wheel.

 I was with Tiger for most of the rides and so I don't have pictures of the other kids.  Uncle Chad was kind enough to take them over to the big rides where there were more thrills and chills.  A million thanks Uncle Chad.
 Tiger riding a tractor through the little straw maze.

 Milking a "cow"

 Climbing the corn wall

Even though there was so much that we didn't get to see, we still had tons of fun.  We definitely need to go again next year.