Wednesday, October 26, 2011


If there's one thing I've learned about myself, it's that I just can't keep things inside. I am a sharer. If I don't share, then I find myself feeling extra cranky, extra emotional, and seriously lacking in patience. The side affects are very physical for me. With Doug gone so much these days (although technically this week has been better, but that will end again next week) and with my headache securely in place (sadly, I don't think this baby is going away anytime soon), I have had quite a bit of time to sit and contemplate this fact about myself. Since my head hurts so bad, I don't feel like doing anything but sitting in a dark room. Ohio has helped me out with this by ensuring that the days have, for the most part, been cloudy, dark, and rainy. Since I have been sitting around quite a bit in a dark room, I have had a lot of time to think. Usually Doug is my sounding board and gets to hear all about everything that is going on in this crazy head of mine (he loves it I'm sure), but since he hasn't been around much, a lot of that crazy has been trapped inside my person, desperately wanting to be released. This has once again led me to contemplate my need to share. Lucky for the two of you reading this, I am not going to unleash all of the crazy right now, but a little more here and there might start popping up. I just wanted to give you fair warning.
The crazy in my head today:
I have completely forgotten how to be a fun person. I feel like it started when I had kids and has just been slowly slipping away for the past 11 years. This is not helped by the fact that a lot of time I really just want to be left alone. Anyway, my goal is to figure out what I really like to do for fun. I think this is research that I can get behind.


Kasey said...

I like to share too. Maybe it's in the genes! ;) I hope you find release from that headache. Those things be nasty boogers!

rachel said...

I think it is a great idea for you to find what you like to do for fun. I feel like when I had kids I forgot to do these things that I enjoy. I just had to get by and do all the mom stuff. Now that my kids are getting older (and yours are too), I have finally started getting back into things I enjoy - taking classes for photography, art, etc, and it has made a huge difference. And it doesn't always have to be with people. Some of the best "therapy" time I get is drawing by myself and not being bothered. Good luck with the headaches. I hate headaches.

Dehner Family said...

Okay, I am seriously concerned about these headaches of yours. That is miserable, no wonder you want to be left alone. I have known you over the last 11 years and I have to say, I think you are wrong - you are a fun person. In fact I miss being around you because I have fun when I'm with you. You are funny and always a hoot :) Anyway, I'm sorry you feel this way. Hopefully in January we can have some serious fun when you come out!! We need to start planning :)

Buffy said...

When i was pregnant with my last baby, I was seriously depressed. I was talking to my doctor about it and he asked me,"what do you like to do that's just for you?"
I burst into tears because I had no idea! I didn't feel like I even knew myself outside of my husband and kids! It has taken 3 years, but I finally feel like I am starting to figure out a couple of things that I like. It's a slow process, so good luck.
As for the unloading on someone? I do the same thing, especially to my poor husband. He usually thinks I'm mad but I'm really just thinking out loud. I feel so much better when I'm done!
Feel free to email me and unload anytime! I get it.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you read President Uchtdorf's talk to the Relief Society from this year's broadcast. I think it was the best, including those from GC.

Trish said...

Anytime you want to have fun, I'm in desperate need as well. For me fun is watching hours of "Horders" and saying, " at least my house isn't that bad!"