Thursday, May 3, 2012

Today is a day

I haven't picked my camera up in so very long which means that I don't have any fun pictures to post which means all I can do is continue to post about my daily life through nothing but words.

My little man is home sick today. He is a pitiful, snotty, moaning sort of mess. He is on a strict diet of TV, movies, and more TV with perhaps some video games thrown in for dessert. Although I really need him to be much better by tomorrow so that I can send him to school so that I can go out to lunch with a friend. I love to go out to lunch.

My wonderful mother was kind enough to come over today to help me with my kitchen. The kitchen is going to be great when it is all done, but for right now I have way too much stuff and not enough places to put it. This causes me to wander around the kitchen aimlessly, talking to myself about where on earth I am going to put everything. Sadly the talking to myself part isn't anything new.

Only 19 more days of school.

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