Friday, September 21, 2012

He gets it from his father

Yesterday, while the kids were in school, I had the pleasure of getting my hair done. This appointment was much needed and long overdue. Although sadly I will continue my search for a new hair person since apparently my desire for someone who can do a good job with both color AND cut, doesn't smoke, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg, is too much to ask. Anyway, I had my hair color done a little differently this time and wondered what the kids would think, because I just know that they care about things like that.

As the kids got off of the bus and came running/sauntering over to give me my after school hugs, KK said, "Oh mom, did you get your hair done? I like it!" What a sweet girl, I think I'll keep her. Tiger ran by way too fast for me to even get a hug, much less comment on my hair, and Sparky just gave me a hug and proceeded to get a snack.

An hour or so later I was talking with Sparky and I asked him if he could tell that I got my hair done today. He said, "no."

So I had him face me and I looked deep into his eyes and said, "Really? I got almost 3 inches cut off and the color is darker. You seriously can't tell that I got my hair done?"

"Nope. Not at all."

And this is why he gets this from his father:

Doug knew that I had gotten my hair done because I had given him the whole run-down on the experience after my appointment and so when Doug came home he said that he liked the color, but I could tell that he was thinking something that he just didn't want to say, so I convinced him to say it.

"It doesn't look any different."

This comment sparked a nice little conversation between the two of us wherein I was able to educate my dear husband on what kind of hair I have, how my hair was different, the difference that even a little trim can make, and why my hair is never the dramatic change that he always seems to expect when I come home from getting my hair done.

"Oh, now I understand. We should have had this talk a good ten years or so ago."


And that is why I am glad I have my girl.


Valerie said...

Hahaha! That is a hilarious conversation. Thanks for the laugh :)

shawn dehner said...


Taryn said...

You're such a tease! A whole post about your new haircut and you don't even include a picture?!