Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful #3 and help needed

November 3: Today I am thankful that we didn't have to be at soccer in the freezing cold at 8:00 on a Saturday morning and that I could just snuggle in my bed as long as I wanted to this morning. I love to be in bed.

On a completely unrelated note, I need a little assistance from those of you reading this who know me and have been to my house. My house is cold and unforgiving and it depresses me every winter.  Well, that and the fact that the sun disappears for months at a time, but there isn't anything I can do about that. I would like this winter to be different and this is where I need your help. I have been attempting to decorate a bit in order to make my house feel more lived in and less sterile, but I am not sure what else to do for a decorator I am not. What can I do to make my house feel more warm and welcoming and less cold and unforgiving? 

 Two reference pictures snapped as is this morning.


Taryn said...

First of all, I seriously love the rug, and the floor. A lot. Two suggestions: 1. new, warmer paint color (the blue is lovely, but not warm); 2. replace the mirror with a piece of art. And a bonus suggestion: enlist your mother to help! And maybe my mother, too. They are an excellent decorating team.

gibbfamily said...

I know you were hoping for my opinion (again) ;)
I am with your friend...a warmer color. I love blue, I have a couple blue rooms, but it is not a warm color.
Curtains. It makes such a difference!
A bigger rug. It makes a huge difference too!
Good luck! I am always looking for ways to change my house too :) love pinterest!

rachel said...

Plants, even fake ones, warm up a room to me. I kill real ones, so fake is okay in my book. :)