Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The sun is shining.

It is nice and warm.  A bit humid, but I will gladly take it after the cold and rain we have had.

Last week my heater was on.  Today my air conditioner is running.

My spinning class is held in a closet of a room.  There is no heat and no air conditioning that runs in the closet.  It did not smell pretty in there today.  Not one bit.

I am a very sleepy girl.

I am exactly 6 weeks and 4 days overdue for a trip to my hair lady.  This will finally be remedied next week.  I am counting down the hours.

My boy has a soccer game tonight.  On Monday his team made history by actually winning a game for the first time in 2 years.  Perhaps this new winning streak will continue tonight.  Perhaps.

I took my girl to the doctor yesterday for her annual checkup.  At 8 years old she is only 1 foot shorter than me.  Her reaction to the news, "Well, that's just creepy."

I made the mistake of lounging on my bed.  I think I may be stuck.

1 comment:

Kenna said...

Hooray for Sparky's soccer team. Hopefully you went for ice cream or something!