Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Just trying to beat the heat

It has been hot, hot, hot and so we have just been hanging close to home.  Frankly, if I don't have to leave the house, then I don't leave the house.  This is working out just fine for me, but the kids are starting to get a little batty.  Since it was just too darn hot last week and I wasn't willing to go to the pool, I pulled out the sprinkler.  It's not a fun sprinkler, but luckily my kids aren't picky.  For them, water is water and they don't care where it comes from, they just want to be in it.

 Running through the sprinkler is dangerous business.  You might actually get some water in your eyes!  That would be a tragedy.  Thankfully Tiger had his goggles on hand.
 Here's Sparky leaping through the water with great finesse.

 Finally, what sprinkler play would this be if the boys didn't pretend that the water droplets were machine gun bullets?  Here's Sparky being "shot" in his typical dramatic fashion.
It was touch and go, but thankfully everyone survived to play in the water another day.

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