Saturday, July 2, 2011

The last of the reunion pictures - in random order

 On one of the days we drove around one of Ohio's many Amish communities.  Outside of one of the stores we saw the world's largest wooden horse and buggy.  Is there a second largest?  We may never know.
 We also had ourselves a little "baseball" game.
 Sweet little Mary blowing bubbles.  She and Tiger were good little buddies this week.
 Goofy kid
 Wearing grandpa's hat, the ensemble is complete.  He is now officially Indiana Jones.
 My grandmother and my girl.
My grandma enjoying the great-grandkids.

We don't have a lot of relatives who come out to visit and so it was absolutely wonderful to be able to see all who came.  Thanks so much for making the effort to come out.  We had a wonderful time!  Oh, and Amanda, if you are reading this, KK still talks about you all the time.  You and your sisters have earned a special place in her little heart.


Tiffany + Drew said...
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Tiffany + Drew said...

Looks like you all had a lot of fun. Drew was upset we weren't able to make it but summer school and a new baby make things a little busy. Hopefully next reunion we can make it!

Debbie said...

Love LOVE L.O.V.E all the pics and soooooo sorry we couldn't come. Looks like you all had a wonderful time! Keep posting any and all pics. We love your guts!