Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thoughts in my head

- I am sitting on my couch, ignoring the nagging reminders of all that I really need to be doing and wondering what I could do to make this house of mine more inviting and homey, especially my front room.

- My hair desperately needs to be done but I am having a hard time actually picking up the phone to make the call.  I really dislike making phone calls. 

- Humidity in the air is the difference between being able to stand the heat and not being able to breathe in the heat.  I will take dry heat any day.

- I spent a wee bit of time blog surfing today.  It was a little mesmerizing.  It was like peeking into a stranger's home and checking out what they're doing and how they have decorated because their blinds are open as you just happen to be walking by, not that I have been known to do that or anything.

- The temperature just hit 100 degrees and I am thinking about my sweet girl who is at girl scout's day camp this week.  Even though she is a hearty girl I still worry about her.  I am glad that their camp site is in the shade.

- I need new bedding for my bed and I can't decide what I want.  Black, white, and grey?  White with a pop of color?  Doug says that I will know when I see it.  I am not so sure because I have been looking for a few years now and I can never settle on anything.  However the increasing number of rips and holes may help facilitate the decision.

- Finally, a conversation with Sparky this morning:
Me:  Come and brush your teeth.
Sparky:  But I have a friend over.  You're going to make me brush my teeth when I have a friend over? (Spoken with great indignance.)
Me:  Seriously? (Followed by the evil eye so that he knew just how ridiculous he was being).
Sparky:  Fine! 

I love it when my boy's pre-teeness rears it's head.


Mom24 said...

I love your blog redesign. Looks great.

Good luck with the bedding. It took me years too, but I finally found something I love.

I've been worrying like crazy about the girls too. It's SO hot!

(We're getting glimpses of pre-teeness too. Good times.)

Unknown said...

I LOVE grey and yellow with accents of black and white. that is what our next bed spread is going to be. good luck!
Also, hahah!on the heat! I do not miss it!But we do miss you guys