Monday, May 30, 2011

Thoughts on Memorial Day

KK:  What is Memorial Day?
Doug:  A day to remember the soldiers who died to give us freedom.
KK:  Freedom reminds me of Fritos.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bike race after school

This is how he rolls

Friday, May 27, 2011

Second Grade Musical

Every year the second grade has a musical performance.  This year it was all about the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Children.  This is something new that the school has implemented this year and they are a little obsessed at the moment.  I look forward to when this honeymoon period is over.  But until then, we will just continue to have the 7 habits crammed down our throats.  There are worse things that we could have crammed down our throats you know.
Anyway, the musical was cute and so was my Woo.  She was able to sing a little part with three other girls and she did a fantastic job.  It was by far my favorite part.  Here is my girl after the performance with Grandma.  The girl just loves to sing and so this night was right up her alley.  Plus, we went out for ice cream afterwards. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

All I need is this chair, that's all I need.

The sun got a little too hot for this boy at the soccer game yesterday so he grabbed his chair and headed across the field to shadier pastures (and Grandma).

Friday, May 20, 2011

All I need is this bike, that's all I need

Apparently the soccer game was more than this little man could take.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I started my day off by accidentally taking a sleeping pill.  Technically it was melatonin, but for me it is the same thing.  How did I do this you ask?  Well, I was half asleep and apparently I forgot that I was just getting up and instead thought that I was getting ready for bed.  It's been a long day.

My poor honey love came down with some flu type thing today.  He is sad and I feel bad for him.  I don't like it when my big, strong man is sick.

I got to have lunch with my Dad today.  That is always nice.

I spent a good hour and a half in the pouring down rain and mud watching my sweet 10 year old boy fight for his team's honor on the soccer field.  They lost, but they gave the other team a run for their money.  He looked like a poor drowned cat when the game was over.

My head is now pounding, especially above my left eyebrow.  It's time for bed.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

We're such mean parents

Doug:  KK, you need to unload the dishes.
KK:  Ugh, sigh, rolling of eyes - That is the worst job ever!!!!
Me:  Well, you could always clean the bathroom in the basement instead.
KK:  OK!  (she then proceeds to look at the bathroom).
KK:  Nevermind.  I think I'll just unload the dishes.
Me:  Smart girl.

Friday, May 13, 2011

A little snapshot

This is what happens on our doorstep most afternoons if the weather is nice  If you can't tell, there is some major Lego building taking place.  I love it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The sun is shining.

It is nice and warm.  A bit humid, but I will gladly take it after the cold and rain we have had.

Last week my heater was on.  Today my air conditioner is running.

My spinning class is held in a closet of a room.  There is no heat and no air conditioning that runs in the closet.  It did not smell pretty in there today.  Not one bit.

I am a very sleepy girl.

I am exactly 6 weeks and 4 days overdue for a trip to my hair lady.  This will finally be remedied next week.  I am counting down the hours.

My boy has a soccer game tonight.  On Monday his team made history by actually winning a game for the first time in 2 years.  Perhaps this new winning streak will continue tonight.  Perhaps.

I took my girl to the doctor yesterday for her annual checkup.  At 8 years old she is only 1 foot shorter than me.  Her reaction to the news, "Well, that's just creepy."

I made the mistake of lounging on my bed.  I think I may be stuck.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My annual Mother's Day picture

I have a picture taken every year on Mother's Day with my kids so that if I die they will remember what I look like.
P.S.  I need to get my hair done in a bad way.  Kids, remember me with better highlights please.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Last Saturday we went on an adventure

Last Saturday we all piled in the car and headed 2 hours east to the dead animal museum - AKA Cabelas.  It was a little bit crazy of us.  The house needed to be cleaned, the lawn needed to be mowed, but instead we threw caution to the wind and went to get in touch with our inner redneck.  Plus, Doug wanted to check out the guns.

 Here's Tiger hanging out in a duck tent (I am sure it has a more official name, but frankly I have no idea what it is).  Just chillin and killing some time while Doug looks at the guns.
 Holy cow.  Could this picture be any funnier?  This has Awkward Family Photos written all over it.
Yet another picture taken in front of an fine display of taxidermy.  It just makes me giggle.
Two boys and a polar bear.
Upstairs at Cabelas they had this fun little shooting range.  The kids all got to practice their skills, although Tiger was not a fan of the noise.
How cute is this girl?  She thought these sunglasses were so fun and just wanted me to take her picture.  Yes this was a bit of an odd day trip for us, but the kids had a blast and were really glad we went and now we don't need to go back for a very long time.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The truth about girls

After I picked Tiger up from his playdate with a girl from his preschool:

Tiger:  Mom, I don't like girls.
Me:  Why?
Tiger:  They're too poofy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

It was a Pinewood Derby miracle!

To say that the pinewood derby was not high on Sparky's priority list would be an understatement.  For months we gently prodded the scout to get working on his car.  Finally, two nights before the big race I brought the subject up again.  We were fully prepared to just let the kid race an uncut block of wood, but in the end Sparky was able to convince Doug to pull out his saw and cut out Sparky's custom design.  Here it is:
Look at that attention to detail.  The careful touch of the hand to customize a simple block of wood into this stunning work of art.  Seriously?  I couldn't even get the kid to slap on some paint.  All he did was grab a marker, color a green line on the front, and write the word "Rocket" on the side.
When it was all said and done, the boy came in third place.  His best showing ever in a pinewood derby.  The other two boys who won had spent hours and hours on their cars and totally deserved to win.  I am still a bit in shock that Sparky's car did so well.  He lucked out big time.
The winners.  Not a bad way to leave cub scouts.  I actually did not attend because of a headache and so I was very sad to learn that this was Sparky's last pinewood derby.  He just earned his Webelos and in August he will get his Arrow of Light and cross over into boy scouts.  Doug was kind enough to console me with the fact that we get to do this all over again with Tiger.  Oh the joy.