Thursday, September 8, 2011

The ridiculous story of the pirate costume

This boy and I were walking through Costco when he spied the Halloween costumes, and most particularly, this Pirates of the Caribbean Captain Jack Sparrow pirate costume.  The moment he saw it, he knew it had to be his and so he threw the appropriate tantrum to let me know that he had to have it.  Sadly, I totally gave in to the tantrum.  It was actually kind of cute and he had been so good overall during our very long shopping trip and so really, he deserved to have the costume.  Right?  So, we bring the costume home and as we are walking in the door he is desperately trying to open the bag to get the costume out.  I start getting him dressed up when I notice that the costume pants are missing.  So, I drag the boy back to Costco, half dressed in the costume, to get a pair of costume pants.  I must say that he was quite a sight to behold.  He was totally in his element dressed as a pirate and he made it his duty to acknowledge every person that we passed.  It's not every day that you see a little pirate walking through Costco you know.  Lucky for us there was one costume left and so after consulting with the customer service people we grab the pants and head out the door.  Finally!  But no!  As we were driving down the road back to our house Tiger informs me that one of the belts is broken.  Sheesh!  So, we head back to Costco again to swap out the broken belt shirt with the shirt from the other costume.  Finally, with all costume pieces in tact and accounted for, we head home.  As exhausting as that day was, it was worth it.  He has worn this costume every day since we bought it.  Of course now he says he wants to be a zombie for Halloween.  Whatever, as long as he is a pirate zombie. 

1 comment:

Buffy said...

Remind me not to go to costco with my kids until after the new year.
Cute boy though!