Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Big Boy Bed Update

So last Friday, Tiger woke up in the morning soaking wet AGAIN. Seriously, how on earth can the kid have that much liquid in him every single day. So I got him up, changed his clothes and stripped the crib. I threw the sheets in the wash and then went about my day. By naptime I discovered that I forgot to put the sheets in the dryer so I put Tiger down in his "Big Boy Trains" as he calls his bed. He looked sadly into his crib, noticed that it wasn't made and resigned himself to sleeping in his bed. While he was sleeping I did manage to get the sheets into the dryer and then once again went about my day. When it was time for bed that night, it was late and frankly I was just done with the day and wanted the kids in bed NOW! As I was getting Tiger ready for bed I realized that I never did make the crib and it is such a pain to put the sheets back on that I just couldn't bring myself to do it at that time, so once again he went to sleep in his Big Boy Trains. On Saturday I decided that if I just don't make up the crib, then he won't want to sleep in it. Turns out I was right. So, for the past 5 days he has been sleeping in his bed. Wahoo. He does periodically go over to the crib just to see if it has somehow magically been made, only to sigh and walk away. Poor kid. I guess that I should probably just take the crib down and put him out of his misery. I think that would be a good project for Doug this weekend.

By the way, thanks to those you who voted in my little poll. Just for your information, I was of the opinion that it didn't really matter and that he could sleep in his crib as long as he wanted and Doug is of the opinion that he is 3 for crying out loud and it is time to get rid of the crib.

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