Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Belated Christmas post - for the Grandparents

Here's just a quick look at our Christmas day.
The kids in their Christmas jammies
I wound yarn around the house and they had to follow the trail to get to their presents.
KK's trail led to and American Girl doll. She was shocked and had no idea that she would be getting one.
Sparky got a bike, although it was a little anticlimatic because pretty much knew that was what he was getting.
Here's Tiger with his "light saver" and of course a train.
However, the big hit of the day for this boy was this dragon and these dinosaurs. Many battles took place over the course of the morning.


Kurt & Shawn said...

The grandparents thank you! Loved seeing their faces. They crack me up!

Trish said...

What a great idea with the yarn. I might have to do that next year! Glad the dinosaurs were a hit.

Valerie said...

I love that idea with the yarn, thanks for sharing, I'm totally going to do that:)