Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Day With The Cousins

Since Monday was a holiday and there was no school, I had the cousins come over to play. Good times were had by all.
The girls made crowns.
Some superheros invaded the joint. . .
and played some Wii.
We even had some lunch. If only baby Will could have stayed the day as well. We love having the cousins over to play.


Dehner Family said...

Aww.. We definitely need to do that more. Dillons spiderman costume is awesome! I love the superhero picture - they mean business! Thanks for having them over. You are such a fun Aunt!

rachel said...

Are these Mike's kids? The little girl cousin looks just like you Beth!

Kurt & Shawn said...

You are a great auntie and I love the fun that was being had by all. You make a gramma proud!!!

Debbie said...

Cousin days are the best! Love the crowns.