Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day

Our world is currently covered with snow, my head is pounding, and I have a cold that refuses to go away. But on this snowy day I am feeling a bit nostalgic for my childhood in Colorado. All of this snow has brought back memories of my own snowy childhood days and of the snow forts and tunnels that my brother and I used to make. Today's memory was all about lunch: Tuna sandwiches, Lays potato chips, and chocolate milk. This is what my dad would always make and although tuna wasn't always my favorite, this meal holds a special place in my heart. So today I made this lunch for myself and it was fabulous.

On a snowy side note: last night Sparky begged Doug to let him shovel the driveway. It was adorable. He had so much fun that the boys ended up shoveling the driveways of a few of our neighbors as well and Sparky is still begging to do more.


Kenna said...

Send Dillon to our house when he is done. We still have not touched the sidewalk...I feel a little bad for the dog walkers.

That's awesome that he WANTED to shovel the driveway!

Debbie said...

These pictures make me cold clear down to my bones!! But if I did live in the snow, I would hope that Dillon would be my neighbor :)