Thursday, February 25, 2010


These are my thoughts for tonight:

Why do kids, through their tears and tantrums of exhaustion, try to tell me that they are not tired? It's like when kids are swimming and they are shivering and blue and they try to say that they aren't cold.

Why do I continue to stay up so late every night when I am just exhausted and I really want to sleep?

Why must coughs last FOREVER?

Why don't I spend more time at bookstores? They are such happy places. I just love to roam the aisles dreaming and wanting.

Why is it so impossible and painful to find jeans that fit. I need Clinton and Stacy.

Why are babies so incredibly delicious and why won't my kids stop growing farther and farther away from that baby deliciousness?

Why won't the snow stop?

Why won't laundry fold itself (if you haven't yet noticed, I have some serious laundry issues)?


Unknown said...

Amen to the first one! that was my whole afternoon. convincing Aubree she needed a nap while she flailed on the floor. You are not alone.
p.s. i NEED spring!!

Kasey said...

Oh how I hear you on the tired thing! Kylee is melt down city, but she's not tired. Pill.

And if you get Clinton and Stacy to come for a visit send them on over here. Thanks!

Buffy said...

dito on the babies...however, I really love doing is what you do, you pretend you work in a really high end department store and fold and hang (I don't iron) and make everything look lovely, and it really works!

Emily said...

I am obsessed with Clinton and Stacy and secretly wish my family and/or friends would nominate me to be on their show. I could really be cute with $5000.

Kenna said...

Let me know when you figure out the answers to any of those...

Ella asked on friday when we could see Kelsey and Dillon.