Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Adventures in heating and cooling

Our air conditioner broke. We waited for 10 days for it to be replaced. Five of those days were spent at my parent's house because it was just too hot to live in our house. Finally the glorious day of installation came. The kids and I waited with great anticipation to move back into our house. Installation eve we enjoyed one last meal with the parentals and then we packed up the car and headed back to our home, glorious home. Spirits were high with the anticipation of sleeping once again in the comfort of our own beds. As soon as we got home I raced inside, eager to get things ready so that I could throw the children into bed as soon as possible. However, as I walked in the door, I was greeted by an extremely strong and sickening smell. At first I just thought that it was new A/C smell, but as my head became lighter and I started feeling a bit woozy I quickly ran out of the house and got the kids far, far away. UGH, Gas. For the last several hours our house had been filling up with gas. So, we very very sadly loaded everyone back up and headed back to grandma's house. It turns out that there was a faulty part to our new furnace and it was spewing gas from all sides. Never fear though, the gas leak has been fixed and we are now home and very, very happy to be here.


Heather A said...

Sounds like an adventure! Glad everything worked out eventually. It's always nice to be home.

Debbie said...

Living in AZ---I feel your pain! Glad it is all over for you.

Mom24 said...

Awful! I'm glad it's all fixed now. We had gas leaks for a week this winter. Yes, a week. Pain in the rear.

I hope your house is nice and frigid right now. :)

Kenna said...

We had a gas leak in Toledo and went a full week with no hot water! Good times!

Glad you are cool again!