Sunday, July 25, 2010

We're all going soft

Just over a week ago the air conditioner in my house died. DIED I tell you. Dead as a door knob. Kaput. It was a sad, sad moment for all of us which then turned into one sweaty and smelly week. We braved it the best we could but then heat delirium started to set in and so we headed to the parentals for a little extended slumber party. We were finally able to get someone to come out to look at the dead beast on Friday only to tell us what we already knew. It must be replaced. So on Tuesday we will become the proud new owners of a cute little energy efficient central air cooling system (and also a new furnace because that is about to die as well and I am NOT going through this again in the winter.) Needless to say this has not been my favorite week. Fortunately we have kept ourselves busy visiting friends and stores and whatnot, but I can't help but think about all of those people out there who don't have air conditioning and it makes me feel like such a wuss because I couldn't even go one week living in my oven of a house. Perhaps if we weren't under a heat advisory and perhaps if it actually cooled down at night, then I am sure I could have handled it but seriously, how on earth do the non-A/C people of the world do it? My heart now goes out to those people. May there always be a breeze for you.


rachel said...

ya know, we never had AC growing up and I now look back and wonder if my parents were insane. It was installed, just needed to be fixed. We would just sit in front of fans all day long and were miserable. when we moved back there, I insisted we have AC - no matter what. To me it is a necessity - especially in Ohio! Maybe this is one reason why we hung out at your house and not mine!

Dehner Family said...

You're not soft - you are SMART! I wouldn't last either. I love that we've had some good cousin time over the last week! It's been great. We need more before school starts. We haven't done a family night at the bunny park yet... hmmm... maybe sometime in Aug??

Kenna said...

Love the label on that post, Beth!