Sunday, December 5, 2010

Yes or No?

Do I send out Christmas cards this year?  I am so on the fence.


Kenna said...

Me, too. I read in a magazine that most people don't do them anymore because everyone stays in touch via facebook and blogs. I still like to get them!

Emilia said...

we send out april fool's day letters instead. people say they like it because they're never expecting anything then.

Heather Snediker-Morscheck said...

I am not, for the first time ever, and I have to say I am feeling pretty good about it. God help me, though, if I see some really great cards at a cheap price. All my resolve will fly out the window.

Carrie Nation said...

I might do it for the first time this year. Up til now I've felt like I had nothing interesting to report. On the other hand, I like Emilia's suggestion of a different time of year if you're not up to it this month. We have a friend from college who sends out her annual card at Halloween.

Jenny said...

Yes you do and I want one! Although, I'm not :)!