Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today I am tired. My body just doesn't want to wake up and it doesn't want to move. It wants to go back upstairs and crawl back into bed and ignore everything that needs to be done for a few more hours of sleep. I am a girl who needs a lot of sleep and as great as it is to have the kids back in school and to be on a schedule again, it just is not conducive to my body's early to bed, late to rise needs. Plus, I have been going non-stop all week long without much down time. This has made for one tired girl.

Today I was able to have lunch with my mother. It was delightful and enjoyable and something that I don't do nearly enough. I realized that I haven't really seen or talked to her in quite a while and so today was a great day to remedy that. Plus we got to eat Mexican food which is always a good idea.

Over the weekend it was discovered that nasty flies had decided to breed somewhere in my house and so I have spent this week scrubbing and cleaning all of those little corners and crevices that never get cleaned in order to eradicate these little pests at their source. It really was quite gross having those nasty little things in my house, but I think I have finally killed them all. Plus, now my house is nice and clean. At least for a minute until this weekend when it will all get trashed again.

Here is a picture from last Saturday of my dear little Tiger. He came to me earlier in the day and said, "Mama, it's really nice out. Can I take my shirt off?" So, of course I told him "yes" because he is a boy and also because he is so stinking cute running around with his cute belly exposed to the world.  What made this extra cute is that he had been running around in a pair of church pants all day because he told me it was part of his uniform. I'm not sure what kind of uniform, but it made sense to him. Well around dinner time Tiger was playing outside when he came running into the house and told me that he heard the ice cream truck. He was so excited that he ran right up to his bedroom, got a dollar out of his drawer, and then ran back outside and parked it here on the curb to wait for the ice cream truck to come. Sadly, the ice cream truck never came down our street, but never fear, this boy did not go without ice cream. I loaded he and his dollar up into the car and took him over to McDonald's and let him buy a hot fudge sundae with his dollar. Hot fudge sundaes are way better than anything you could get off of some scary ice cream truck anyway.


shawn dehner said...

Right on and thanks for having lunch with your mommy. I loved it as well. You make my heart swell!!

Dehner Family said...

So true! Ice cream trucks are scary. I could go for a little Mexican food right about now.... I'm jealous!