Monday, September 3, 2012

School Started

It has been a couple of weeks, but a new year of school is in full swing. It came upon us hard and fast and we were not quite ready to let go of summer, but alas we had no choice. So, on a brisk Wednesday morning the two oldest headed out the door and off to 6th and 4th grades they went. One thing that I really like about our school district is that 6th grade is still in the elementary school. Middle school is the absolute worst and so I am all for having it as short as possible. Sparky, however, may disagree.

I love this boy. He is always willing to stop and smile for a picture. I was trying to get him as he came off of the bus and as soon as he saw me he stopped and gave me a big happy grin. He's a good boy for sure. When asked about his first day he said it was "awesome". I have a feeling that this is going to be quite an easy year for this boy because he has yet to have any homework and I believe this trend will continue.
This girl could hardly wait for the first day of school. In fact she informed me that it is her very most favorite day of school. She got the teacher she wanted and she has a lot of friends in her class. When asked about her first day she said it was so good and everything she thought it would be. I am so glad because unlike her brother, this year is going to be a lot of work. 4th grade at our school is notoriously the hardest year with the most work required. It doesn't make sense to me, but whatever. I am sure she will do great!
This boy started Kindergarten this year and it about broke my heart. I totally would have kept him in preschool one more year, but apparently by law he had to start Kindergarten. Whatever. He started school a day after the other kids and waiting that whole extra day was almost the end of him because he was so excited. I was so worried that I would be a crying mess watching him get on that big bus and head off to that big mean school, but fortunately he made me so frustrated with him right before he left for school that I had not trouble at all throwing him on the bus and sending him on his way.
 He was so excited for school that he just climbed right on the bus and didn't even turn around to say goodbye or anything. Well good riddance to you little man. The bus driver even tried to get him to turn around and say goodbye and smile for the camera, but he wasn't having it. He just wanted to get to school. I think that it really helped a lot that he rode the bus to preschool for most of last year because this was all familiar and old hat to this boy.
A successful day over. Tiger really prefers to sit at the back of the bus and apparently after school on the first day he climbed right on and headed to the back to sit with all of Sparky's friends for no one had yet to tell him that he is only in Kindergarten and that he is supposed to sit up front. Sparky said that he headed to the back and said "Hi guys" and then made himself right at home with Sparky and the 6th graders. Very cute. Sadly for him though he has been relegated back to the front with the other Kindergartners where he belongs. When asked how his first day was he claimed it to be "horrible". Apparently the teacher asked him to "do things" and didn't let him play outside as long as he wanted. This may be a long year for my boy.

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