Tuesday, August 28, 2012


With school starting and Sparky's birthday I have a bunch of pictures that I am working on, but they're not quite ready to post and so instead please enjoy a few of my thoughts on life as it is being lived right now.

1. My oldest and dearest boy just turned 12. It kind of hits me in the gut to say that and so I will continue to think of him as the precocious 3 year old who never stopped talking and only wanted to read non-fiction books. Honestly, not much has changed.

2. With my oldest turning 12, life has become much busier since he is now part of Young Men at church. The weekly activities are definitely going to take some getting used to, as well as a bit of coordination to get him to those activities because of all of the other things he and the other kids are involved in. I am sure you know what I mean because that's life. Although, it kind of makes my head swim. Big kids are busier kids.

3. We threw him a big Nerf war birthday party. It was a lot of fun and I will be just fine if I never have to throw a party again. Except for the fact that Woo gets a party for her birthday in March. Well, at least I have a reprieve until March.

4. I am trying to find some motivation to start working out again. If you find some, let me know.

5. Fall is in the air. A small seed of anxiety has been planted deep inside of me knowing that winter is right around the corner, but Fall is my girl's most favorite season and her excitement is pretty fun to witness.

6. School is in full-swing, house projects are underway and life is marching on.


Valerie said...

Ah life, it's crazy!

Just a girl with a Gammell said...

And your mom is just 15 min. away!

rachel said...

This summer we started Young Women's for one kid, continued Activity days for another, and started scouts for a third. I hear ya on the busy thing. Bigger kids are busier kids, and sometimes I don't like it. Best wishes with it all. :) I am looking for the motivation to work out too. :( You are not alone!