Friday, August 17, 2012

Pictures for those of you not on Facebook

I post many more pictures on Facebook than on the blog because well, it is just so much easier. Posting on the blog takes so many more steps and sometimes I just don't feel like working that hard. Perhaps there is an easier way, but right now I sure don't know what it is. Regardless, here are some pictures from the last week or so that I took with my phone.
Doug and I headed to Costco to pick out some new glasses. While we were there Tiger found these sweet shades and thought he was looking pretty cool.
This boy of mine is about to turn 12 in one week and so it was time to buy him his first suit. I must say that he is one sharp looking kid, but every time I see him dressed like this I just want to cry.  I am having serious issues these days with my kids growing up.
Last Sunday I had a splitting headache and so what better spot for our Sunday walk than at the bottom of a dam. My, oh my was it loud down there. Not really helpful to my head, but way fun for the kids. My favorite quote of the night came from KK who, when asked if they had fun said, "Yes, but it smelled a bit like a man who never takes a shower." Descriptive and true.
What good little sports these kids of mine are. They are always being asked to stop for pictures and they handle it like champs.
I think Tiger just likes to use photo stops as an opportunity to practice his many expressions.
Sparky has been testing the bounds of his freedom and has been dying to walk to McDonald's which is really not that far from our house, but on a busy street without sidewalks. I am not quite willing to let him walk there by himself yet and so as a compromise we all walked there together. It was a small victory for my boy and I got to be "fun mom" for a moment.
Tiger's outfit choice the other day. Wow. It just hurts my eyes to look at this, but as a good mom I just let him go with his mismatched self.
My boys are quite obsessed with video games. Whether it be on the DS, the computer, or the Wii. It absolutely drives me crazy and I totally limit their time, but playing makes them happy. As you can see here it is Sparky's turn to play and Tiger is stuck watching because he has already played his allotted time for the day. Although, I must say that Tiger loves to watch his brother play almost as much as he love to play himself.
He also loves to make faces for the camera.

I am sure you have all noticed that Tiger likes to dress up. Well, we were walking through Costco the other day and all of the Halloween costumes are out. Tiger was instantly taken with this Ninja costume because, well because it is a Ninja and it has a mask and weapons.
He wasted no time running down the street striking "fear" into all who crossed his path.

So, there you have it, snapshots of our life from the past week. Two things have become very clear to me. I need to get more pictures of my girl, and Tiger and I spend way too much time together.

1 comment:

Dehner Family said...

Being one of those people not on facebook, I thank you for taking the time to post these. They made me smile - esp of the scary ninja. That's the best ninja costume I've seen.