Friday, August 10, 2012

It's been a busy few weeks

This has been kind of a weird summer. We started off with our trip out west right after school got out. As fun as that was, it really threw everything off and we never quite got into a groove after we got home. I feel like we have been in a state of constant chaos ever since, but the last few weeks in particular have been quite crazy. First we had swim lessons for a couple of weeks. Tiger and Woo were in heaven, but Sparky was there under duress. This is what happens when you refuse to actually swim when you are in the water, you find yourself almost 12 years old and still in swim lessons. That's ok, I think he got the message and he tried extra hard this round after I promised he wouldn't have to take lessons again if he proved he could swim.
My cute little Tiger. This boy just loves to be in the water. His feelings about lessons are much like KK's were at this age. He is so happy to be in the water and just wants to swim, but doesn't so much want to listen to the instructor. He was often found off to the side doing his own thing and was constantly being pulled back to the group. On a positive note, this kid can hold his breath for and amazing amount of time. I am constantly amazed at how long he can stay under water.
We have also had lots of opportunities for dressing up in costumes that are way too small. Perhaps it is time to update the dress-up box?
Can you tell this boy enjoys a good party? A week or so ago our very kind Mexican neighbors invited us over for one of their kid's birthday party. It was an experience to be sure since we were the only non-Mexicans, but I tell you these Mexicans sure know how to party! There was food and more food, games and prizes, and good times being had everywhere. One of the best moments was when Tiger got up on the deck and proceeded to spontaneously dance for about 5 minutes to the 80's hits that were playing on the Karaoke machine. It was hilarious! Next to that however, my favorite part by far was the food. In fact, Sparky called it the Festival of Food. It just kept coming until we were ready to burst and it was so incredibly delicious! I really need to learn how to cook like they do. Perhaps I can get the recipes? I'll have to work on that.
Here's KK doing the egg walk. She totally rocked this game. It was quite humorous though because the mom would give everyone the instructions for the game and then one of the daughters would have to translate for us.
Here's the classic eat the apple off of the string without touching it with your hands. Tiger was all about this game until he realized that the goal was to eat the apple and since he really doesn't eat fruit, and certainly not apples unless the skin is cut off, he quickly gave up.

Sparky and Woo kept trying and trying, although without much success. I'm just glad that my girl didn't pop a bracket off of her teeth.

At the end of our second week of swim lessons this little man came down with quite the illness. It was so very sad. In fact, he's still coughing.
One night we had my sister and her husband over for dinner and afterwards KK had the genius idea for us to play Apples to Apples since it is her favorite game. It was seriously so very funny, especially since Chad didn't win a single hand and he is used to always winning every game we ever play. That is the beauty of playing with children. You never know what will happen.
Even Tiger got in on the action and he took it very seriously. I must say, for a boy who can't read he sure knows how to pick some good cards.
This week Sparky has been at soccer camp every morning. This has been very good for us because it has forced us to get up and get going in the morning. The other two kids and I have had all sorts of adventures while Sparky has been at camp. We've gone out to breakfast a couple of times, visited the party store, gone to the pet store, we went school supply shopping, played on many playgrounds, and even had some play dates. It has been a lot of fun.
Here's my little Tiger being his usual silly self on our outings.

And here's Sparky one day after soccer camp. Holy sweaty mess, but the kid has had the time of his life this week and I think he has learned a lot. I am so glad that I signed him up to do this.

Yep, it's been a crazy couple of weeks. Now only one more full week of freedom left until school starts. I have mixed feelings about that, but I think that overall we are all ready. We'll just have to make the best of the free time we have left.

1 comment:

shawn dehner said...

Sounds like a 7 thumbs up summer to me!!!!