Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Sparky let me cut his hair yesterday. Actually, I should say that he let me shave his head. I have been trying to get him to shave his head for a good year and a half or so, but he would have nothing to do with that business. He has been wearing his hair in the ever so cool shaggy style this whole time. I have nothing against the shaggy style and I think that it can look quite cute on boys, given the right kind of hair. Unfortunately, Sparky was not quite blessed with the right hair. He does all right, but it requires a bit of maintenance and upkeep in order to keep it looking decent. The problem was that Sparky did not like to maintain or upkeep his hair and so it was always a battle. The last straw came the other night when I told him to take a shower which he really did not want to do, so I gave him two choices. 1.) He could either go and take a shower or, 2.) He could not shower, wait until the next day and have me shave his head. He chose number 2. I was shocked. So there you have it. The long shaggy hair is no more. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures at the moment, but just wait, Easter is in a few days and I am sure there will be more than enough pictures to share from that event.

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