Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Some Little Known Facts

1.  I am always cold.  Always.  Even in the summer, because everywhere I go people have their air conditioners cranked up, which makes me cold.

2.  After years of keeping my house at the very efficient and respectable 68 degrees (during the day), I have decided that I am sick and tired of being cold in my own home and since winter is really quite rough for me as it is, I am throwing efficiency to the wind and cranking my heat up.  Yes I am, and no one can stop me.  This winter I am going to bask in the glory of 70-72 degrees (but only during the day because I am all about it being nice and cold at night so that I can snuggle deeply into my down comforter).  However, if you find that my house is too warm when you visit, then I suggest you wear a t-shirt to my house, because I probably have to wear a sweater to your house in the summer.

3.  I am not sending out Christmas cards this year.  I love you all, but I just can't bring myself to do it, and besides, I don't really have anything exciting to report anyway.  Instead, let's all cross our fingers that at some point during this next year I get to send out change of address cards instead.

4.  I think that I have eaten my weight in cookies over the past week.


Buffy said...

Love that post! And I am with you on being cold at all times...even in the summer.
And my goal is to eat my weight in cookies every christmas...hello? what are the holidays for! I haven't had diddley this year dang it!

Dehner Family said...

You crank that heat up!! You should be comfortable in your own home. Miles and I like to turn the heat on and sit on the vent with a blanket over the top trapping all the hot air inside... So I'm hoping your change of address card has a 84010 zip code :) Keep that in mind.