Thursday, February 7, 2013


I have a cousin who recently posted on Facebook that her problems were First World problems and I agree, my problems are most definitely First World problems. The problem is, they are still problems and these insignificant (in the great scheme of things) problems are shutting me down and causing me to become very, very lazy, plus it is winter which isn't helping anything. I don't know about you, but when faced with a bunch of tasks that seem overwhelming, I tend to do nothing, hoping that they will just fade away.  Sadly, they never just fade away. Instead, I just end up looking like a lazy flake. Really, I should be jumping in and attacking those problems and showing those problems who is boss. But who are we kidding? That's not going to happen. So, for today I will just enjoy the fact that the sun in out and attempt to at least do some laundry.

P.S. Mom, yes I have made a list. I just don't like what my list is telling me.

 Just for fun, here are a few pictures of my girl from 6 years ago. She kills me!

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