Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Greetings to the 5 of you who read this. Unfortunately I don't really have anything particularly exciting or witty to say at this time. Really, I just felt like I should post something and I haven't taken any pictures of my kids for a while and we haven't really done anything noteworthy lately and so instead I will leave you with a few thoughts that are running through my brain.

1. Why must I hate laundry so much. Seriously. I really, really struggle with doing laundry. It is never done, no matter how hard you try. I could spend all day washing clothes and there will always be a sock or a pair of underwear sitting at the bottom of the hamper. Actually, I think that I dislike folding laundry the very most. Frankly I just don't do it. I am however sick and tired of the mountains of unfolded laundry that pile up around my house and so I am afraid that a new method must take place. I just don't think that I can live like this anymore, especially since the kids are wearing socks again. I would make Doug do it except that when it comes down to it he doesn't care enough about the mountains of laundry to actually tackle them himself.

2. I want to move. I want to move next summer to be exact. I have no idea how we will make this happen. I don't know where exactly we will move. Will it be a mile from here, will it be farther? I have no idea. All I know is that I have made a decision and I think that if I throw it out into the universe enough times then it is bound to come true. I even collected a bunch of moving boxes from a very friendly gay couple in a super cool jeep the other day as they were about to recycle the moving boxes. I figured that I would need them eventually and I just couldn't stand the thought of those perfectly good moving boxes just sitting in the recycling bins.

3. Winter is not my favorite. Winter here equals no sun, frigid weather, and sick kids. It also means that I will be cold for 4 months. Therefore winter is not my favorite.

4. I have recently been having realizations that I am an adult and that sometimes I can do whatever I want to do. Here is an example: We ran out of toothpaste and so I went to the store to get some more. Usually we just get one tube of toothpaste and we all share it. Well frankly I don't like the kind of toothpaste that the kids like. I was grumbling about this very fact as I picked up the kid's Crest when I suddenly realized that I was an adult and that I could have any kind of toothpaste that I wanted to have and that I didn't even have to share with them. It was liberating. Today it's toothpaste, tomorrow it's peanut butter.

5. I am spending way too much time these days watching Flight of the Conchords. But dang it they are just so entertaining.

6. I don't want to think this, especially about someone so much younger, but Zac Effron is too cute for his own good.

That's all from my brain for now. It's a pretty murky and disturbing place and I don't want to scare anyone away and so I will delve no deeper today.


Emilia said...

Movie star crushes have no age limit. You are totally allowed.

You are moving to my neighborhood, of course. See? That's easier now.

If you fold laundry WHILE you watch Flight of the Concords, then it's totally justified!

Kenna said...

I hate how the laundry never seems to be done. Even if I do 15 loads in a day, the minute the end of it is dry, someone will dirty something! UGH!!!

I'm with the above comment though. I fold the laundry while I watch Project Runway and Top Chef at night!

Heather A said...

I agree with the others. I always enjoy folding laundry while watching something I'm interested in. Sorry you hate winter. You better not move by us, cause I've heard it's going to get down to about 40 below eventually. I also admit that when we were moving, I collected cardboard boxes from recycle bins behind stores. Why not?

Dehner Family said...

I enjoy a good look into your brain. Murky and disturbing-no, entertaining-YES! I hope you guys are feeling better. We have something over here. Blah...

Diane said...

Ok Beth, count me as a 6th reader...I love your posts! This one in particular, since I so relate to the laundry issues. I love washing, but cannot get in gear enough to stay on top of the folding. Also, there are cute houses in my neighborhood...just saying.

Heather Snediker-Morscheck said...

7! Whoo Hoo! How about you move someplace equidistant between me and Emilia. Then everyone will be happy. I am going to start looking for Seymour houses come January 1. I'm not excited about this idea, or anything.

Valerie said...

Don't tell anyone, but ditto on #6

Sharlynn said...

You crack me up! Sure enjoyed reading your thoughts. I can relate to some of them. Hey maybe you should move this direction.

Kurt & Shawn said...

Alright, I will come clean (Ha, Ha, not even a laundry joke!) I programmed my girls to hate laundry because I hate laundry. Their grandma Love-it LOVES laundry but I consider her a sick woman if that is her way of thinking. Bethie, you have been ruined by your mother and I may have to answer for it in the eternities. I just thought that is why you have children, to fold clothes, clean bathrooms, etc. Sorry, I guess I was mistaken. Instead, we had fun, played, colored, rode bikes, finked around and watched Electric Company! My bad!!!

Marie Hatch Chambers said...

I always read too. Sometimes its just later. The Laundry is never done and at my house the dishes are never done and the floors are not clean nearly often enough.