Friday, January 14, 2011

The good and bad of today

Good:  My little Tiger's fever finally broke and he is starting to feel better.  He still won't eat, but at least he is strong enough to walk by himself a bit.  Extra bonus:  He is being very sweet (for the most part) and just wants to snuggle.

Bad:  After several nights of not sleeping because of my sick little man, I woke up today with yet another cold.  Blah!  My nose is a faucet.

Good:  Yesterday we had new Internet installed.  It is wonderful and has made my Netflix experience a million times better.  I don't know how we ever lived with our DSL for so long.

Bad:  I am exhausted and my head has been pounding for a week.  Also, the cousins move tomorrow.  Double blah!

Good:  The snow looks so pretty and peaceful when you are sitting inside nice and warm and you don't have to go anywhere.

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