Sunday, January 9, 2011

Two lessons reaffirmed

Lesson 1) You can't force a kid to eat.  Tiger is a horrible eater and it is downright exhausting sometimes.  Lesson 2) You can't force a kid to poop.  That's right, I said "poop".  Potty training has been ramped up around these here parts and it isn't pretty.  I know that I survived it with the other two and I will survive it with this last one, but boy this last child is a stubborn little guy.  Here is one of his responses as I tried to get him to the potty:  "All of the poopies are mad and want to stay in my bum.  They say, 'We want to stay in here.'"   Ugh, he's such a stinker.


Jenny said...

But such a clever stinker! I feel your pain, ours is a little bit different potty training pain (as in he could care less if he is wet as long as he doesn't have to take the time). The worst part is don't you feel at their age you should be past this pain?

Kasey said...

UGH! The poop is the worst! Todd took forever but was the opposite. Kid would poop everywhere except the toilet. Till he was a month shy of 4! I hate potty/poop training! Good luck.

Dehner Family said...

HaHa! Amen. Kids are so frustrating. Look at the bright side - this is your very last kid to potty train :) YAY