Saturday, June 25, 2011

My baby had a birthday

This past week, this little man of mine entered the ripe old age of 5 (sniff, sniff).  Since we were going to be out of town for his birthday I threw together a very, I repeat, very last minute little party for him so that we could officially celebrate this milestone.  He started the morning off with a birthday donut with Dad and then we opened some presents.  Here he is happy as can be because he had just opened the Wii game that he had been wanting.  You see, several weeks before this moment the kids were wandering through Costco with their father when Tiger spotted Lego Pirates of the Caribbean for the Wii.  He was instantly smitten and a tad obsessed.  In order to get Tiger to leave the store quietly Doug told him that he might get the game for his birthday.  What seemed like a good idea at the time backfired a bit on Doug, for you see, Tiger never forgot that moment and as far as he was concerned there was no question that he was getting this game for his birthday.  So, what else could we do?  We marched ourselves back to Costco and paid (*gulp*) for the game and made this little man's dreams come true.

 Check out those muscles.  Who needs to wear a shirt when you look this good?  The chocolate around the face just adds to the intimidation.
 Since the Wii game set the mood for the birthday, I decided to make Pirates the theme and we bought him a little pirate dress-up set which he has worn just about every day since.
 Even pirates like cupcakes.
 Captain Jack says "Arrgh"!
While we were on vacation he had his actual birthday.  It was extremely low-key, but we did manage to at least give him a couple of presents to open.  Since the boy also loves Indiana Jones, this time he was given a couple of guns and a holster.  He already has a piece of rope that he pretends is a whip, and so now I just need to find some sort of hat for him.  Even though this birthday was a bit odd, he didn't care.  He came away a happy man and I am still in denial that he is so old (and for those of you wondering, because I get asked a lot, no he is not going to Kindergarten this year).

1 comment:

Dehner Family said...

It looks like it was a fabulous birthday. Happy Birthday to Tiger! He is looking so old - definitely looking 5!