Thursday, June 9, 2011

My thoughts on and plans for summer

1.  I am 100% in favor of it.
2.  I will try very, very hard to still go to bed at a decent hour and to not sleep in all morning.  The alternative just spells disaster.
3.  I am looking forward to using my children as little worker bees.  My house will be so clean!  Besides, teaching kids to work is very important for their success in life and so really I am just doing all I can to ensure their future success.  It has nothing to do with my desire to use them as little slaves to do the things that I don't really feel like doing.  Really.
4.  I am really excited for my upcoming reunion and seeing some family members I have not seen in a very long time.  Oh the fun we will have.
5.  We shall go to the pool . . . a lot (once Sparky's shoulders return to a normal color from their current fried/purple color).
6.  We will hit Sonic's happy hour frequently because that's just plain fun.
7.  The sunshine and warmth are just so glorious!
8.  I think that we should eat a lot of ice cream.  I just love ice cream.
9.  Viva la Summer!!

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