Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I learned something new today

I was playing Lego guys with Tiger this morning. Well, really I was sitting next to Tiger while he was playing with his Lego guys. That is is how you play with Tiger.  You sit there and watch him play and occasionally comment on whatever make-believe scenario he is acting out. It's exhilarating. Today's game was titled, "Knights vs. Ninjago vs. Zombies". In case you can't tell from the title, the game included Knight Lego guys, Ninjago Lego guys, and a special appearance by a newly built Zombie Lego guy. From what I could tell, the object of the game was for the Zombie to eat the brains of the other Lego guys.  After the Zombie was done eating the brains he would walk over to Tiger's cup of water and get a drink. I asked Tiger if the Zombie was thirsty from eating all of those brains. He informed me that the brains were spicy and so the Zombie needed a drink. So there you have it. In case you ever wondered, brains are spicy and so you better have some water on hand.