Tuesday, June 26, 2012

No argument here, Southern Utah is beautiful!

On one of the days we were in St. George, we headed into Snow Canyon. Holy Beautiful red rocks! I could have spent all day here if it hadn't been so Hades hot, and if we had brought water and food, and if I hadn't felt so cruddy and wanting to just curl up in my bed and sleep.
First we walked into Jenny's Canyon. Or was it Jenny's Cave? I don't remember, but I can see why Jenny loved it. Especially in the morning when it was still nice and cool in the shade.
Doug, Tiger and I were a little late getting to the canyon and so Grandpa was nice enough to show us around after everyone else was done.

The Cave. I can totally imagine ancient people hiding out in here.
The cousins, minus Tiger (due to the aforementioned tardiness to the Canyon).
Love, love, love all of the red rocks.
We got to the sand dunes much later than we wanted, but that didn't stop Tiger from digging right in. This trip was hard on this little guy in many ways, but digging in the sand made him feel like all was right with the world. If it hadn't been so Hades hot, I would have been happy to let my little man dig all of his trouble away for the entire day. He was one sad little puppy when we had to leave this area.

After the sand dunes we drove a little bit further into the canyon and walked for a bit on the petrified dunes. They were pretty darn cool as well.
Yep, I am a big fan of Snow Canyon, except next time I am visiting in the fall.


shawn dehner said...

We had a great time!!!

Carolyn said...

These are great photos. I love how deep blue the sky looks against all that red rock.