Friday, November 13, 2009

If I Had a Million Dollars. . .I would buy you some art.

This post is dedicated to my love who is celebrating a big birthday today. I must say that for a man who does not like birthdays, he is handling this day quite nicely. Of course it helps that he is at work and not surrounded by our constant birthday references. But don't worry, the day is not yet over and so there is still plenty of time for us to smother him with birthday love. So here's to you my love (picture me raising my lunchtime glass of Diet Dr. Pepper) and to all of the years we have had and to all of the years that are yet to come. You rock!
(this "lovely" photo courtesy of my KK princess)


Emilia said...

Like a Picasso or a Garfunkle?

(I'm so excited that no one else made that comment before me!!!)

Dehner Family said...

That is a great picture of you guys. Happy Birthday to Doug!

rachel said...

I love that song :)
Happy Birthday Doug.

Heather K said...

Happy Birthday to you Doug! We miss you and your home teaching buddy...Oh, the good ol' days!