Monday, November 30, 2009

It's just so wrong

Last night our ward hosted a "Messiah" sing-along. It was absolutely fantastic. Seriously. The talent pool we have acquired is downright impressive. As we were getting dressed to go I looked over at Doug and he had put on this treasure of a t-shirt that he got for his birthday. Our friends who gave it to him were amongst the singers and he felt that this would be the perfect opportunity to wear it. It was actually quite perfect and I couldn't stop giggling everytime I looked at him. Fortunately he didn't wear it for long, but the impression was long lasting.
Classy my love. No wonder we are still happy after so long.


Valerie said...

Bummer, I missed the fashion show! I'm pretty sure he had on another shirt by the time I saw you guys.

Trish said...

I am so proud. That is all I have to say.