Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More Thoughts and Happenings

1. Apparently the only way to keep up with the laundry is to wash and fold the laundry EVERY day. Sheesh. I managed to do this for one week and then it about put me over the edge. I am now back to my laundry mountain and I think it is mocking me.

2. Once again my house is swallowing me alive. Help. So. Much. Stuff. Everywhere! I believe that a cleaning binge is once again necessary. To all members of this house. If you haven't touched it in three months it is out of here. Hide your treasures now because if you blink they may be gone. Nothing is safe. Except for all of those really annoying "important" papers from school. Oh how I wish that I could just trash all of that stuff. Oh how I wish that the school would stop sending stuff home.

3. Tiger is on a coloring kick. It would be really cute if the surfaces that he were coloring on weren't his belly, his face, his hands, the carpet, the walls, the doors, my purse. You get my drift. The little pill. Anyone know how to get marker off of the carpet? Because heaven forbid we actually have our carpets cleaned like we really need to. Instead I just want a really clean spot where the marker used to be.

4. I am amazed at how Tiger's preschool is really helping him. The other day I was getting him in the car to take him to school when he said, "No. I don't want to go." Doug and I just looked at each other in amazement. We have never heard him voice an opinion using words and thought like this and in a full sentence. It was awesome. We congratulated him on his excellent use of words and then I told him "Sorry, you have to go. Now get in the car." He is also really starting to figure out who he is in relation to everyone else. Meaning that he is trying so hard to understand that he is 3 years old and that he is a boy and not a girl and also how to tell the difference between boys and girls. Also, emotions. Last night Sparky was crying and Tiger kept asking if Sparky was sad. Amazing. He has never understood before that crying means someone is sad and that a smile means you are happy. It's these little things that you take for granted that you think kids just automatically get that he has just never understood. It is exciting to see him finally starting to figure these things out. It just makes me excited for my little guy.

5. I am finding that I am getting really excited for Christmas. That joyous feeling started to creep into my inner being so subtly that I hardly noticed it until I found myself wanting to listen to Christmas music and to buy presents for the kids. I am even planning to send out Christmas cards this year. I know. Shocking, isn't it? I can't even remember the last time that I sent out a Christmas card. I am sure that it won't say much, but who cares? It's just fun to get Christmas cards in the mail.

That's all for now. I must go and clean and fold laundry. But really I will probably just take a shower and then goof around on the computer until all of my free time is gone and then kids are home from school.

1 comment:

rachel said...

My favorite "cure" for ink stains is rubbing alcohol. It works better than anything else I have tried.