Monday, November 23, 2009

Kid parties are way more fun without the kids

For Doug's big birthday, we got together with a few other couples and had ourselves a rocking good time. Anyone can decorate with all black and plaster "Over The Hill" banners everywhere, but does that really make the birthday boy feel good? I believe the answer to that is a big "NO" so I decided to go in a completely opposite direction.

We had the party at a friend's house and as a mom with 4 kids, she knew exactly how to decorate and which games to play. We started off with a fabulous meal.

Next came a rousing game of musical chairs (seriously so fun).

Then came Pin the Chick on the Barn.

And finally, what's a party without a pinata?

We then paused for the "present" opening. Thanks so much guys. Those um, "presents" are really, um something. Here's just a small sampling of the goods:
"What Do You Do With The Mad That You Feel" by Mister Rogers
Ummm. . .

To finish things off, we brought the house down with a little Beatles Rock Band. Seriously sooooo much fun, especially when you have people who can actually sing. In the end I think that it was a very successful birthday. In fact, so much fun should not be allowed in one night.


Sharlynn said...

First, Happy birthday to that husband of yours. Second I wish we were there. Looks like you guys had a blast and what fun couples to hang out with. Miss you guys!

Debbie said...

Sounds like fun! Happy Birthday to Doug!