Saturday, December 19, 2009

Valuable lessons learned

Last night I learned that it is not a good idea to take Tylenol PM the same night that your 3 year old comes down with a nasty case of the stomach flu.

I also learned that my oldest son isn't always faking his illnesses. Sometimes he actually is sick and then you have to take him to Urgent Care to get an antibiotic because he has strep.


Dehner Family said...

Ew. Feel better!!

Heather Snediker-Morscheck said...

Oh! Poor all of you! He certainly took his time getting the strep as we had 2 cases of it one right after the other a month ago.

Valerie said...

oh, strep! Hope everyone is feeling better soon.
I love the family photo, wish me luck with mine, I hope ours turns our as well as yours did:)

Emilia said...

Yeah. There are definitely some lessons I could do without learning. ;) Hope everyone feels better at your house soon!

Debbie said...

Hope he feels better for Santa's big day! Here's hoping you have a very merry Christmas, from our house to yours. Love Uncle Mike and Aunt Debbie ♥♥♥

Lesley and Dave said...

Beth, Beth- If you are ever feeling that your days are crazy, and feeling uninspired to write- DONT EVER STOP. Ok, so I'm one of your blog lurkers- I read up only about once every few months. But scanning through your life/entertainment has pulled me through some days like you can't imagine. Keep it comin' friend. Lesley Carmichael


Bethy, look how beautiful you are in that picture! I love!

Sorry about the step and the vomit and the tylenol pm. sounds like nightmares times 3