Thursday, February 24, 2011

Things that need to be resolved

1.  My ginormous mountain of clean laundry.

2.  My ever-increasing mountain of dirty laundry.

3.  The toy/clothes/random paper covered bedrooms.

4.  The mountain of recycling (because we are too cheap to pay for pick-up and so it collects and collects until we can no longer fit anything into our garage because we need to just load it into the car and take it to the recycling dumpsters at the Fire Station).

5.  My grody bathroom (because I have to share it with three children, two of which are boys).

6.  My dirt ridden floors that can't seem to stay clean because it won't stop snowing and so everyone tracks all of that slushy nastiness into the house.

7.  The wart on my chin.  It's not pretty or pleasant.  If you see me walking around with duct tape on my face, try not to point and laugh.

1 comment:

Kurt & Shawn said...

ha, ha, I thought it was cute. Oh, sorry, no laughing!!!