Sunday, October 16, 2011


1.  I may have mentioned this a time or two before, but I love love love to be in my bed.  It is by far my most favorite place to be.  My ideal day would include being served every meal in bed along with a variety of movies and my computer.  Sadly, our winters are long and dark and so I am often found in my bed more frequently than I should be.  But today, the sun is shining a bit, the window is open allowing a lovely cool breeze to waft through my room, and I am snuggled up in my bed desperately wishing that my headache would go away.  I even have some new sheets on my bed, making it extra snuggly.  Aside from my headache, this is a perfect afternoon.

2.  I thought that I had avoided my yearly fall headache fest, but I may not be that lucky.  It has been three days of one painful head but I am hoping I can break it.  If not, I will definitely be spending more time in this snuggly bed of mine.  My family is all hoping that is not the case.

3.  My poor little Sparky has had a fever for a good solid week.  He also has one nasty cough and an ear infection.  I think he is working on a walking pneumonia.  Perhaps not, but I am pretty sure he is.  I am crossing my fingers that his fever breaks today because I just want him to feel better (and to be able to go back to school).  Also, I would love for his cough to go away.  Not just for his sake, but frankly, I am exhausted because his sad cough keeps me up all night long.  On the flip side, I am totally amazed that Tiger has been able to sleep through the coughing each night.  Kids are truly amazing.

4.  My love has been working so incredibly hard for quite a while and especially this month and we haven't seen him much.  This has just solidified the fact that I don't do well when he isn't around.  It just makes me grateful that he has never had to travel much.  The kids may go days and days without seeing him, but just knowing that he is coming home at night makes it much easier on me.

5.  I love Netflix.  That's all.


Diane said...

Love your "real" life writing. It makes me smile...and that picture on the right of Tiger in a pirate get-up. Seriously adorable

Buffy said...

Bummer. You are making me really look forward to winter and illness and cold....bleck!