Thursday, October 13, 2011

We've had a bit of illness around here

School has started and with that has come a lovely selection of illnesses.  Fortunately nothing too horrible, but unpleasant nonetheless.  First Tiger was down for a week with a fever and bronchitis and he is still coughing (dang those coughs last forever).  Now poor Sparky has been down for a week with a fever, bronchitis, and now an ear infection.  Yay for antibiotics.  Sadly nothing is helping with his cough, but he's a tough boy (insert snicker here) and seems to be hanging in there.  I have also been hit with a cold.  Fortunately it has been nothing like what the boys have had, but it has still taken everything out of me and had left me feeling like a bit of a zombie.  All I know is that Moms really should not be allowed to get sick.  Also, my love has been working lots of insane hours the past month or so and I miss him.  I know he misses us too and so that's OK.  Sometimes life is a little harder than you want it to be, but it could always be worse and so I'll take what I've got.

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