Thursday, January 24, 2013

An epiphany which has led to a goal

Today I was at Costco picking up some chicken for dinner. As I meandered through the isles, I had a sudden and extreme desire for brownies. This could have something to do with the delicious smells wafting through the store from the bakery, but perhaps not. Perhaps my body just really, truly, desperately needed brownies. We'll never know. What I do know is that brownies were not on my list, but brownies were now sitting in my cart. How they got there is a total mystery. As I was checking out, I opened up my wallet to get out my money so that I could pay and my driver's license caught my eye. I decided to take a closer look to see when it expired, which turns out to be this year on my birthday. Then the though struck me to look at the weight that was listed on my license and so I took a closer look at that. And that's when it hit me. The weight that has been listed on my license has not been my actual weight for many, many years. Whenever I renew my license, they never ask me if my weight has changed and so I never change it. So, that's when it hit me. BAM, like a smack on the back. What if? What if I worked really hard and actually got my weight down to the number that was on my license. That would be pretty cool. So, that's what I am going to do. I am going to work really, really hard from now until my birthday in July and I am going to get my weight down to what is stated on my driver's license. That's the kind of goal I like, the kind I can work with. But first I need to make some brownies. The chocolate is for my mental health you know, and that is just as important.

And just because a blog post is always better when it has pictures, here are a few random shots from my Instagram.

 Tiger has been spending a lot of time playing in rice for his sensory needs.
 These are some pajama pants that Tiger received for Christmas. Seriously hilarious, but perfect at times to help keep a boy warm who doesn't like to wear clothes.
Finally, my love. Those who know him shouldn't be surprised by this shot. He's also wearing a t-shirt under his coat. It gives me shivers just looking at this picture.

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