Sunday, September 19, 2010

Goodbye Snaggle Tooth

This is how my girl started out her day.  For two weeks this front tooth has become more and more snaggly and no matter how hard I tried to convince her to pull it out, she wasn't having it.  But finally . . .
This is how she ended her day.  She got that tooth out (with a little help from the bump of a small friend as she was eating an apple)!  Much, much better.  The girl has also won herself a trip to the dollar store.


Heather A said...

We are having that same problem. Kim had her two front teeth loose for several months and just wouldn't let anyone touch them. Finally, she let Dad pull one out and won't let him touch the other. It looks so lovely and crooked. She's convinced it will fall out on it's own. Sigh.

Kurt & Shawn said...

Still cute!